Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Tips for body shape

Every woman wants to feel and look good. Some women want to look good for their husbands or boyfriends, some to the strangers they do not even know and some people want for themselves. The reasons may be different, but they can not succeed without the forefront of fashion right body shape.
I think I can speak for most women and that one of the hardest things in our lives is to accept our bodies the way they are, especially when they are not perfect. And usually, they are not. But when you realize that and find inner peace between you and your body, you stop stressing about your size and start focusing on more important things in your life.
The first step to achieving this is to know what body shape you are and then use fashion tips silhouette great mine to hide your flaws and show the best attributes of your body.
There are four common body shapes - pear, apple, hourglass and rectangle. Probably the most common type is the pear. Pears their upper body lower down and when they gain weight it usually goes to their hips and thighs. Because the lower body is greater than the above, it is important for pears to find a balance between the two. So if your body shape is pear, you should wear fitted tops in bright colors and light with different prints and make your hips and legs look slimmer you should wear one - online or flared skirts. If you prefer, you should wear jeans wide - leg or right leg jeans in darker colors. Another trick of couture fashion tips body shape, mine is that if you want to attract attention to your neck and face rather than your hips, you should wear necklaces and earrings.
Apples have their upper body more than lower and if the weight it usually goes to their waistlines. It is therefore important to draw attention to your size of your legs. So, wear jeans that have a flat front and back pockets that can give a little curve in your back flat. You should stay away from tight jeans because they make you look even bigger on top. If you prefer skirts, A - line skirts or short skirts that are 1 to 5 inches above the knee. The peaks you should not wear with jeans and skirts are high with dark motives too. And because apples have more breast Do not forget that very important is the bra.
If you're lucky enough to have an hourglass figure, you have found a balance that most of us, especially pears, look. Because your shoulders and hips curves have the same size, you do not have to be afraid of models and you should go for the plates with V - neck and wear jeans in stretch denim with larger hips and small waist . As for skirts, you should wear ¾ length or full skirts. Probably the most valuable of all the fashion tips body shape for women with an hourglass figure is - Do not hide your body by wearing loose clothing.
If you have a rectangle, you probably figure long legs and you must show them wearing jeans with a high - rise and with back pockets that will make you look more complete below. Or you can wear a pencil A - lined or flared skirts. Because your character is straight up and down you should not be upright models because they make you look even thinner, but worn around the neck, scoop or V - neck tops will make you look curvier.
We are all different in how we look but we have one thing in common, there is always something that we do not like our bodies. So take the first step to change and discover the shape of your body and fashion tips body shape, the use of mines, because they can help you make the scope of your problem and focus on areas which is good on your body. They may even save time when shopping, that we often buy clothes that are unflattering to our number because they have not the right cut, color or print.
And there is another aspect where mine fashion tips body shape can be very useful. They can help you become more confident, because the way you feel determines how you look. Thus, in confidence and it will certainly show.

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